
Sunday, August 24, 2014

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

You probably heard about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – unless you’re living under rock for the last 2 weeks or so. People get to be “nominated” to do the Ice Bucket Challenge (pouring a bucket of ice-cold water over the head) or donate $100 to the In turn, the person who performed the challenge gets to nominate 3 other people to do the same thing.

It reminds me of the movie “Pay It Forward” wherein you have to forward good deeds to 3 more people which gives the ripple effect. The only difference is, in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, it’s recorded (because the participants are oblige to post the “proof” of the challenge online). The main concern of the challenge is actually donation and making people aware that there is a disease called Leu Gehrig’s Disease (a.k.a. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) thus ALS.

It’s a rare disease and an estimated 5,000 people in the US are diagnosed each year. No cure has yet been found for Lou Gehrig’s Disease and most people with this disease die from respiratory failure, usually within 3 to 5 years from the onset of the symptoms. Read more about it from Mama’s Health.

Good thing about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is that a lot of celebrities (with thousands of followers) like One Republic, participated in the challenge and thus has a huge ripple effect. I sure hope that everyone of us got an invitation/nomination to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, donate to charity, and pass the message forward. It also encourages other charitable institutions to come up with such a HIT to reach more people faster and to encourage donations for a good cause.

Let’s pay it forward

I would love to see the Queen of England do the challenge.

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